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volunteering books, books for volunteers, volunteering overseas books, overseas volunteering books, best books for volunteering abroad, volunteering abroad books, lonely planet volunteering books, gap year volunteering books, travel presents, travel gifts

Volunteering Overseas Books

Explore the globe and enjoy giving something back with a volunteering trip. From conservation to teaching, plan your journey carefully with the help of these travel books for volunteers which cover a wealth of bases. Find your perfect match from Lonely Planet and more.


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Plan a meaningful travel adventure with the help of "Volunteer" by Lonely Planet. With experiences from over 120 volunteers and reviews of over 150 organisations it also has top tips on numerous practicalities such as raising money.



volunteering books, volunteering overseas books, books for volunteers, guides for volunteers, best books for volunteers, volunteering abroad ideas, volunteerring abroad books, travel presents, travel gifts, Wildlife & Conservation Volunteering

Have a passion for volunteering with conservation and wildlife? This super book by Peter Lynch shines the spotlight on a wealth of organisations including charities and eco-tour operators to help you find the most suitable option.



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Heading off on a Gap Year in 2017? With expert advice on volunteering, working and studying, "The Gap-Year Guidebook 2017" is a brilliant book to have by your side.


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With a helpful section of volunteering, "The Big Trip" by Lonely Planet enables you to plot your global adventure with ease. From essential pre-trip preparation to maps and itineraries, it gets super user reviews.

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